rut1 |
a furrow or groove worn into the ground by something such as a wheeled vehicle. [3 definitions] |
rut2 |
the periodic condition of sexual arousal in certain male animals, such as deer, during which they seek to mate. [2 definitions] |
rutabaga |
a plant related to cabbage and turnips, with an edible, yellowish, bulbous root. [2 definitions] |
ruthenium |
a chemical element that has forty-four protons in each nucleus and that occurs in pure form as a hard, white, dense metal solid used as a hardener in alloys or as a catalyst. (symbol: Ru) |
Rutherford atom |
the atom regarded as visually analogous to the solar system, with electrons revolving around a nucleus. |
ruthless |
without mercy or compassion; pitiless or cruel. |
rutty |
full of or covered with ruts. |
RV |
abbreviation of "recreational vehicle," a vehicle that is equipped with living quarters and is used for leisure travel. |
Rwanda |
a central African country between the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Tanzania. |
Rx |
abbreviation of "recipe" (Latin); prescription, a directive written by a doctor for the preparation and use of a medicine to treat a designated patient. |
-ry |
variant of -ery. |
rye1 |
a widely cultivated grass, of which the seeds are used for cereal, flour, and other grain products. [4 definitions] |
rye2 |
a Gypsy man. |
rye bread |
bread made entirely or partly with rye flour, often with caraway seeds added. |
ryegrass |
any of several grasses native to Europe and Asia and cultivated in the United States for lawns, pastures, and forage. |
-s1 |
used to form the third person sing. present tense of all regular and most irregular verbs. |
-s2 |
used to form the regular plural of most nouns. |
-'s2 |
used to form the possessive of most singular nouns, some plural nouns not ending in "s," some pronouns, and various noun phrases. |
-'s3 |
shortened form of "is". [3 definitions] |
-'s1 |
shortened form of "us". |
S1 |
abbreviation of "south." |