sadden |
to make or become sad. |
saddle |
a seat, usu. of leather, used on the back of a horse or like animal to carry a rider. [9 definitions] |
saddleback |
an animal or object having a low, hollow back that resembles a saddle. |
saddle-backed |
having a low back or upper side curved like a saddle. [2 definitions] |
saddlebag |
a bag or one of a pair of bags straddling or hung from a saddle, or a similar bag for a bicycle or motorcycle. |
saddle block anesthesia |
a method of spinal anesthesia, often used during childbirth, that produces numbness in the perineal area. |
saddlebow |
the arched front section of a saddle. |
saddlecloth |
a heavy cloth placed under the saddle of a horse, esp. one bearing the number of a racehorse. |
saddle horse |
a horse bred, trained, and used for riding. [2 definitions] |
saddleless |
combined form of saddle. |
saddler |
one who makes, sells, or repairs saddles and other equipment for horses. |
saddle roof |
a roof with a gable at either end of the ridge. |
saddlery |
saddles, harnesses, and other equipment for horses. [2 definitions] |
saddle seat |
a chair seat that is slightly concave and has a lengthwise central ridge. |
saddle shoe |
an oxford shoe, usu. white, with a band of contrasting leather, usu. brown, across the instep. |
saddle soap |
a soap, usu. containing neat's-foot oil, used to clean and soften leather. |
saddle sore |
an irritation or sore on a horse or rider caused by the friction of a saddle. |
saddletree |
a saddle's frame. |
Sadducee |
a member of an ancient Palestinian sect that formed political alliances with the Roman rulers, interpreted scripture literally, and rejected oral law and the belief in a Messiah. |
Sadhana |
(Sanskrit) in Hinduism, a dedicated effort to achieve a goal or reach a desired outcome, esp. pertaining to spiritual development. |
sadhe |
the name of the eighteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. |