saprophyte |
an organism, usu. a plant, that survives by consuming dead or decaying organic matter. |
saprozoic |
of or designating the absorption of dissolved organic or inorganic material for nutrition, as by protozoans. [2 definitions] |
sapsago |
a strong, firm cheese made from skim milk and flavored with sweet clover. |
sapsucker |
either of two types of woodpecker native to North America that feed on the sap and insects of certain trees. |
sapwood |
the newer, softer layers of wood, between the bark and the heartwood, that conduct water and sap in a tree. |
Saqqara |
village in Egypt near Cairo that served as the site of burial grounds for rulers of ancient Egypt and is home to some of the oldest pyramids. |
saraband |
a stately Spanish court dance in three-four time. [2 definitions] |
Saracen |
a member of one of the Syrian tribes at the time of the Roman Empire. |
Sarajevo |
a city in former Yugoslavia, where Austrian Archduke Francis Ferdinand was assassinated in 1914, an event that precipitated World War I; capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. |
saran |
any of various thermoplastic resins obtained from vinyl compounds and used for wrapping and packaging, to make acid-resistant pipe fittings, and as a fiber in some heavy fabrics. |
Saratoga trunk |
a large trunk, used for travel by women in the nineteenth century. |
sarcasm |
a scornfully ironic remark. [2 definitions] |
sarcastic |
expressing or characterized by sarcasm. [2 definitions] |
sarcocarp |
the fleshy part of a fruit having a pit such as a peach or plum. [2 definitions] |
sarcoidosis |
a disease of unknown origin, characterized by the formation of lesions similar to tubercles in the liver, lungs, skin, bones, and lymph nodes. |
sarcoma |
a malignant tumor that starts in the connective tissue of the body and spreads to other parts, esp. bone. |
sarcophagus |
a carved stone coffin. |
sarcous |
consisting or composed of flesh or skeletal muscle. |
sard |
a hard orange or brownish red chalcedony, used as a gemstone. |
sardana |
a folk dance of Catalonia, performed in a circle. |
sardine |
a small, edible, marine fish harvested young and usu. packed in oil. |