savings bank |
a bank that receives the savings of depositors and pays them interest on the deposit. |
savior |
someone who rescues or saves people from danger or destruction. [2 definitions] |
savoir-faire |
the ability to know how to act or what to say in any situation; social adeptness. |
savor |
the taste or smell of something, or a particular taste or smell. [6 definitions] |
savorless |
combined form of savor. |
savory1 |
having a pleasant taste or smell; appetizing. [4 definitions] |
savory2 |
any of various aromatic herbs related to mint, used esp. as a seasoning in cooking. |
savvy |
(informal) sophisticated and intuitive understanding, esp. of the way organizations work and of people's motives for action. [3 definitions] |
saw1 |
a hand or power tool with a thin metal blade edged with sharp teeth, used for cutting hard materials such as wood or metal. [6 definitions] |
saw2 |
past tense of see1. |
saw3 |
a common proverb or saying; maxim. |
sawbuck |
a sawhorse, esp. one whose legs project above the crosspiece. |
sawdust |
the tiny particles that result from sawing wood. |
sawed-off |
having an end that has been cut or sawed off, as a shotgun barrel. |
sawfish |
any of various tropical saltwater fish related to rays that have a long flat bladelike snout with large sharp teeth on either side. |
sawfly |
any of various destructive four-winged insects, the females of which have sawlike organs on their abdomens that are used to make cuts in plants in which they deposit eggs. |
sawhorse |
a four-legged frame designed to support wood that is being sawed, usu. used in pairs. |
sawmill |
a building or plant in which lumber is cut into boards, planks, or the like. |
sawn |
a past participle of saw1. |
saw-toothed |
having teeth or notched edges like a saw, as various plants; serrate. |
sawyer |
someone who saws timber as an occupation. [2 definitions] |