scabies |
a contagious skin disease that is caused by mites that live under the skin, resulting in severe itching. [2 definitions] |
scabiosa |
any of various plants related to teasel that have opposite leaves and bear showy flat or domed flower heads. |
scabrous |
characterized by a rough or scaly surface, as the leaf of a plant. [3 definitions] |
scad1 |
any of a number of tropical and subtropical sea fishes related to the pompanos. |
scad2 |
(informal; usu. pl.) a great number or amount; a lot. |
scaffold |
an elevated temporary platform that is used to hold workers and materials during the construction or maintenance of a building. [5 definitions] |
scaffolding |
one or more scaffolds at a particular site. [2 definitions] |
scalar |
able to be represented by a position on a line or scale, as temperature or a particular degree of temperature. [3 definitions] |
scalawag |
(informal) a rascal or troublemaker; dishonest person. [2 definitions] |
scald |
to burn with or as if with a hot liquid or steam. [6 definitions] |
scalding |
hot, as liquids, to the point of causing pain or burns. [2 definitions] |
scale1 |
one of the many small, hard, thin plates that cover fish, reptiles, and certain mammals. [7 definitions] |
scale2 |
(often pl.) an apparatus used for weighing. |
scale3 |
a series of successive steps or degrees. [10 definitions] |
scale back |
to reduce the size or extent of something from what it currently is or what it previously had been. |
scale insect |
any of numerous four-winged sucking insects, the females of which cover themselves with a round, waxy scale, under which they live on plants and deposit their eggs. |
scalene |
of a triangle, having sides of unequal lengths. |
scalene triangle |
a triangle that has three sides with different lengths. |
scaling ladder |
a long ladder used to reach to or over the tops of high walls, as by troops besieging a fortress. |
scallion |
an onion with a small bulb; green onion. [2 definitions] |
scallop |
any of various sea mollusks that have rounded, ribbed, bivalve shells and are able to swim rapidly. [6 definitions] |