schizoid |
pertaining to or having a personality disorder marked by passiveness, withdrawal, and indifference to social relationships. [3 definitions] |
schizophrenia |
a severe and often incurable mental disorder that is marked by visual and esp. auditory hallucinations, intellectual and emotional isolation from others, and unpredictable behavior. [2 definitions] |
schlemiel |
(slang) a hapless bungler. |
schlep |
(slang) to carry with effort; lug; haul. [4 definitions] |
schlieren |
streaks or masses of igneous rock that differ in texture or composition from the surrounding matrix and blend gradually into it. [2 definitions] |
schlock |
things that are cheap and of poor quality. |
schmaltz |
(informal) extremely sentimental music, drama, or writing. |
Schmidt system |
an optical system used in telescopes consisting of a spherical concave mirror with a correcting plate that reduces aberrations. |
schmooze |
(informal) to engage in friendly, easy-going conversation, often with the purpose of impressing or influencing. [2 definitions] |
schmuck |
(slang; offensive) a person considered to be contemptible or offensive. |
schnapps |
any of several strong alcoholic liquors, esp. a certain type of gin, or a sweet viscous liquor. |
schnauzer |
a dog of a German breed with a square snout, short ears, and a wiry coat. |
scholar |
a learned person, esp. one who is engaged in research or study. [3 definitions] |
scholarly |
of or appropriate to a scholar. |
scholarship |
money given to a student by a school or organization to help pay for the cost of schooling. [2 definitions] |
scholastic |
of or pertaining to academic learning. [4 definitions] |
scholasticism |
(sometimes cap.) the prevailing system of medieval theological and philosophical teaching, based on the authority of the early Christian church fathers and on Aristotelian logic. [2 definitions] |
scholiast |
one who writes explanatory notes and comments on a text, esp. an ancient commentator on a classical text. |
school1 |
an institution where instruction is given, esp. to young people. [8 definitions] |
school2 |
a large group of the same kind of fish or sea mammals. [2 definitions] |
school age |
the age when a child is able or legally required to attend school. |