sea front |
a part of a town or city on the edge of the sea, esp. a resort; waterfront. |
seagirt |
surrounded by the sea. |
seagoing |
intended or suitable for travel on the sea. [2 definitions] |
sea green |
a pale bluish or yellowish green color. |
sea gull |
a gull, esp. one that lives on or near the sea. |
seahorse |
a small semitropical marine fish that swims in an upright position, with its head, resembling that of a horse, at right angles to its body. |
sea-island cotton |
a type of long-fibered cotton grown in tropical America. |
sea king |
any of the Viking pirate chiefs of medieval times. |
seal1 |
a design, emblem, or embossed or impressed figure used to make a document authentic or official. [10 definitions] |
seal2 |
any of a number of flesh-eating mammals that live in and around the ocean and have flippers instead of legs. [4 definitions] |
Sealab |
one of a number of exploratory underwater laboratories, developed by the U.S. Navy, where research in oceanography and marine biology is conducted. |
sea lamprey |
a parasitic marine lamprey that spawns in fresh water, and that now occurs landlocked in the Great Lakes. |
sea lane |
a sea route that is in frequent use by vessels. |
sealant |
any substance, such as silicone, plastic, or wax, that is used for sealing. |
seal brown |
a dark rich brown color. |
sealed orders |
written orders given, as to the captain of a ship, in a sealed envelope to be opened later at a specified time or place. |
sea legs |
the ability to walk on board a ship, even in rough seas, without losing one's balance. |
sealer1 |
a substance such as varnish that is used to seal a porous surface. [2 definitions] |
sealer2 |
a person or ship involved in hunting seals. |
sealery |
a place where seals are hunted and caught. [2 definitions] |
sea level |
the surface level of the sea, esp. the mean between high and low tide, which is used as a standard in calculating land elevations and sea depths. |