sensibility |
the ability to feel, sense, or perceive. [4 definitions] |
sensible |
having or showing sound judgment. [4 definitions] |
sensitive |
having the ability to sense. [7 definitions] |
sensitive plant |
a tropical American plant, related to the mimosa, that bears tiny purple flowers in clusters and has leaflets that fold together at even a slight touch. [2 definitions] |
sensitivity |
the quality, state, or condition of being sensitive. [3 definitions] |
sensitivity training |
instruction in small-group relations, in which individuals seek a better awareness of themselves and others, using methods similar to group therapy. |
sensitize |
to make or become sensitive. |
sensor |
anything that is capable of registering physical quantities, as of light or temperature, and sending signals that indicate the level of the stimulus. |
sensorimotor |
of, concerning, or involved in both sensory and motor impulses of an organism. [2 definitions] |
sensorineural |
of, relating to, or involving sense perception mediated by sensory nerves (used esp. in reference to deafness caused by faulty sensory nerves). |
sensory |
of or pertaining to the senses. [2 definitions] |
sensual |
related to or pleasing to the senses, as of touch, taste, or smell. [4 definitions] |
sensualism |
indulgence in sensual pleasures; sensuality. [2 definitions] |
sensuality |
the quality or condition of being sensual. [2 definitions] |
sensualize |
to make sensual. |
sensuous |
of, concerning, perceived by, or appealing to the senses. [2 definitions] |
sent |
past tense and past participle of send. |
sentence |
a grammatically complete unit in either writing or speech, marked by a clear beginning and a full stop and usu. expressing an independent statement, question, command, or the like. [3 definitions] |
sententious |
using or marked by pompous, high-flown moralizing. [3 definitions] |
sentience |
the capacity to receive sensation; ability to perceive. |
sentient |
having the capacity to receive sensations; able to perceive. |