service mark |
a symbol, word, design, slogan, or the like, used as identification by a particular company that supplies a service such as insurance, laundry, or transportation. |
service station |
a place that provides services for motor vehicles, as by selling gas and oil and by making repairs. [2 definitions] |
service stripe |
a stripe worn on the left sleeve of a military uniform to show the amount of time the wearer has spent in active military service. |
servicewoman |
a woman who is a member of the armed forces. |
serviette |
(chiefly British) a small square piece of cloth or paper used for wiping one's hands and mouth at mealtimes; napkin. |
servile |
very submissive to another's authority; slavish. [2 definitions] |
serving |
the act of someone or something that serves. [3 definitions] |
servitor |
a person who acts as an attendant for another; servant. |
servitude |
bondage or slavery. [2 definitions] |
servo |
part of or pertaining to a servomechanism. [2 definitions] |
servomechanism |
an automatic regulator, such as a thermostat, that controls a mechanical device. |
servomotor |
the motor that powers a servomechanism. |
sesame |
a tropical herb bearing small, flat, oval seeds that yield oil and are used in food. [2 definitions] |
Sesheshet |
the mother of King Teti, the Egyptian ruler who was the first pharaoh of Egypt's Sixth Dynasty in the third millenium B.C.E. |
sesqui- |
one and one half. |
sesquicentennial |
of or pertaining to a time span of 150 years. [2 definitions] |
sesquipedalian |
inclined to use long words. [3 definitions] |
sessile |
of a leaf or the like, attached at the base directly to the stem of the plant. [2 definitions] |
session |
a legislative or judicial meeting or meetings. [5 definitions] |
sestet |
the group of six lines that forms the second stanza of an Italian sonnet. (Cf. octave.) |
sestina |
a poem, consisting of six six-line stanzas and a three-line envoy, that repeats the end words of the first stanza in varying combinations throughout. |