sightly |
visually pleasing; attractive. |
sight-read |
to read or perform (music) on first sight, without practicing beforehand. |
sightsee |
to tour about for the purpose of sightseeing. |
sightseeing |
the act or pastime of visiting and viewing various places of interest; touring. [2 definitions] |
sightseer |
a tourist who visits sights of noted interest. |
sight word |
in vocabulary learning, a word, usually short and basic, that a reader recognizes visually, without having to decode it phonetically or otherwise. "The," "we," "their," and "have" are typical sight words. |
sigma |
the name of the eighteenth letter of the Greek alphabet. |
sigmoid |
having the shape of the letter "C" or "S". [2 definitions] |
sigmoid flexure |
the final curve of the colon before it reaches the rectum. [2 definitions] |
sigmoidoscope |
a medical instrument used for visual examination of the rectum and colon. |
Sigmund Freud |
an Austrian physician and the founder of psychoanalysis (b.1856--d.1939). |
sign |
anything that indicates the presence or existence of a fact, event, quality, or tendency; indicator; indication. [11 definitions] |
signal |
a gesture, action, or device used to give information, directions, or warning. [9 definitions] |
Signal Corps |
the U.S. Army branch that handles communications, weather data, and the like. |
signalize |
to make prominent or noticeable. |
signally |
so as to be very noticeable; remarkably. |
signalman |
one whose job is to give or receive signals, as on a railroad or in the military. |
signatory |
having signed and thus accepted an agreement as binding, esp. an international agreement. [2 definitions] |
signature |
one's name or personal mark, used to sign documents, letters, checks, or the like. [4 definitions] |
signboard |
a board on which there is a sign; placard. |
signer |
a person who signs his or her name, as on a document. [2 definitions] |