Sinology |
the study of Chinese language, culture, history, and the like. |
Sino-Tibetan |
a family of languages that are spoken in central and southeastern Asia, including Tibetan, Burmese, and others. |
sinsemilla |
a powerful type of marijuana produced from seedless female hemp plants. |
sinuate |
bending or winding in and out; sinuous. [3 definitions] |
sinuous |
with many curves or turns; winding. [3 definitions] |
sinus |
any of various bodily cavities, recesses, or channels, esp. those in the skull bone that connect with the nasal cavities. [2 definitions] |
sinusitis |
inflammation of the nasal sinus linings. |
sinusoidal |
of or relating to a sine wave. |
sinusoidal projection |
an equal-area map projection of the entire earth in which all lines of latitude are shown as straight lines and all lines of longitude as curved. |
-sion |
act or process, or result of (such) an act or process. [2 definitions] |
Sion |
variant of Zion. |
Siouan |
a family of North American Indian languages of central and eastern North America. [3 definitions] |
Sioux |
a member of a group of American Indian peoples of the northern plains of the United States and of southern Canada, esp. the Dakota. [2 definitions] |
sip |
to drink slowly and a little at a time. [3 definitions] |
siphon |
a tube or pipe used to suck a liquid over the top of its container and into a lower one by means of air pressure. [3 definitions] |
siphon bottle |
a sealed bottle having a tube through the neck that is connected at the top with a valve that controls the flow of the pressurized carbonated water in the bottle. |
siphonophore |
any of various transparent or colored marine hydrozoans, including the Portuguese man-of-war. |
sir |
(often cap.) a respectful form of address for a man, usu. used in place of his name. [3 definitions] |
sirdar |
in India, Afghanistan, or Pakistan, a military leader. [2 definitions] |
sire |
the male parent of a four-legged, domesticated animal such as a horse. [3 definitions] |
siren |
(often cap.) in Greek mythology and The Odyssey, one of a group of sea nymphs who lure sailors to death on rocky coasts by their seductive singing. [6 definitions] |