six |
the number represented by the Arabic numeral 6 and by the Roman numeral VI. [3 definitions] |
sixfold |
having six parts or elements. [3 definitions] |
Six Nations |
a confederation of Iroquois Indian peoples, originally including the Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, Cayugas, and Senecas, and expanded in the eighteenth century to include the Tuscaroras. |
six-pack |
a container of six bottles or cans, usu. of beer or a carbonated beverage. |
sixpence |
a coin formerly minted in England worth six pence. [2 definitions] |
sixpenny |
of small value; cheap. [2 definitions] |
six-shooter |
(informal) a handgun that holds six bullets. |
sixteen |
the number represented by the Arabic numeral 16 and by the Roman numeral XVI. [3 definitions] |
sixteenth |
indicating rank or position between fifteenth and seventeenth. [3 definitions] |
sixteenth note |
in music, a note with one sixteenth the value of a whole note; semiquaver. |
sixth |
indicating rank or position between fifth and seventh. [4 definitions] |
sixth sense |
the ability to perceive independently of the five senses; intuition. |
sixtieth |
indicating rank or position between fifty-ninth and sixty-first. [3 definitions] |
sixty |
the number represented by the Arabic numeral 60 and by the Roman numeral LX. [5 definitions] |
sixtyfourth note |
in music, a note with one sixty-fourth the value of a whole note; hemidemisemiquaver. |
sixty-nine |
(vulgar slang) mutual simultaneous oral-genital sex activity. |
sizable |
of considerable size or quantity; fairly large. |
size1 |
the physical extent or dimensions of anything. [5 definitions] |
size2 |
any of several substances made from glue, starch, clay, or wax, and used as filler material for cloth, paper, or wall surfaces. [2 definitions] |
-sized |
having the size specified. |
sizing |
a glaze or filler for porous surfaces as on paper, cloth, or plaster walls; size. [2 definitions] |