slap down |
to prohibit, suppress, or put an end to by, or as though by, a slap or sharp criticism. |
slaphappy |
(informal) bewildered or rambling from or as if from blows to the head; punch-drunk. [2 definitions] |
slap shot |
in ice hockey, a powerful shot made with a full backswing, usu. sending the puck into the air. |
slapstick |
visual comedy full of boisterous action, as in a film or stage revue. [2 definitions] |
slash |
to cut or strike with violent, sweeping, and sometimes random strokes, as with a knife. [9 definitions] |
slash-and-burn |
of or indicating a method of clearing land in which trees and vegetation are cut down and then burned. |
slashing |
severe and merciless. [4 definitions] |
slat |
one of several long narrow strips of wood or metal arranged in a uniform row, such as mattress supports, window blinds, the seat of a bench, or the like. [4 definitions] |
slate |
a fine-grained, metamorphic rock that tends to split in smooth layers. [6 definitions] |
slather |
(informal) to spread or apply thickly; pile on. |
slattern |
an unkempt, careless woman. [2 definitions] |
slaughter |
the killing and butchering of animals, esp. for their meat. [4 definitions] |
slaughterhouse |
a building or establishment where animals are killed and butchered. |
Slav |
a member of any of the Slavic-speaking peoples of eastern and central Europe. [2 definitions] |
slave |
one who is owned by and forced to work for another with no pay or personal rights. [4 definitions] |
slave driver |
an employer or supervisor who is very harsh or severe. [2 definitions] |
slaveholder |
one who possesses slaves. |
slaver1 |
to allow saliva to drip from the mouth; slobber; drool. [3 definitions] |
slaver2 |
a slave trader or a ship used to transport slaves. |
slavery |
the ownership of one or more persons by another or others; bondage. [4 definitions] |
slave trade |
buying and selling human beings as slaves. |