slave trade |
buying and selling human beings as slaves. |
Slavic |
a branch of the Indo-European language family that includes languages of parts of Russia, eastern Europe, and south central Europe, such as Ukrainian, Polish, and Serbo-Croatian. [2 definitions] |
slavish |
of, like, or befitting a slave; servile; submissive. [2 definitions] |
slaw |
a salad of cabbage and dressing; coleslaw. |
slay |
to kill or murder deliberately and usu. violently. [2 definitions] |
sleazy |
base or disreputable. [2 definitions] |
sled |
a flat platform of wood or other material, usu. mounted on runners, that is used to travel over snow and ice. [3 definitions] |
sledge1 |
a heavy sled, drawn by horses, dogs, or other draft animals, and used to transport heavy loads over long stretches of snow and ice. [2 definitions] |
sledge2 |
see "sledgehammer." |
sledgehammer |
a large, heavy, long-handled hammer, usu. held with both hands, that is used for such tasks as driving posts into the ground. [2 definitions] |
sleek |
smooth or shiny. [4 definitions] |
sleep |
to be in a state of bodily rest that is characterized by full or partial loss of consciousness and a slowing of bodily functions. [9 definitions] |
sleep-away |
of or pertaining to a place, especially a recreational camp for children, where one stays overnight, usually for several days. |
sleeper |
a person or thing that sleeps. [3 definitions] |
sleeping |
the state or condition of being asleep. [4 definitions] |
sleeping bag |
a large, usu. zippered bag that is warmly lined, in which a person can sleep outdoors. |
sleeping car |
a railroad car that is equipped with sleeping accommodations. |
sleeping pill |
a pill or tablet containing a drug that induces sleep. |
sleeping sickness |
a usu. fatal infectious disease found in tropical Africa, characterized by fever, weakness, and tremors, and transmitted by tsetse flies. [2 definitions] |
sleepless |
passed without sleep. [2 definitions] |
sleep mode |
a power-saving mode of operation to which a computer or other machine reverts when idle, in which power to the display and to other nonessential parts of operation is deactivated. |