Socialist party |
any of several political parties that advocate socialism, often by democratic selection. [2 definitions] |
socialite |
one who is prominent in fashionable social circles. |
sociality |
the tendency of individuals to form societies or social groups. [3 definitions] |
socialize |
to cause to be social or fit to live with others. [3 definitions] |
socialized medicine |
any of various government-subsidized programs that provide medical care at little or no cost to the patient. |
social media |
websites and other applications that enable users to create and share content. |
social science |
the scientific study of society and social behavior, or any science that examines an aspect of society or social behavior, such as anthropology or psychology. |
social secretary |
a person whose work is handling an employer's personal correspondence and social engagements. |
social security |
(often cap.) in the United States, an assistance plan for the elderly, unemployed, or disabled funded by mandatory contributions from employers, employees, and the government. [3 definitions] |
Social Security Number |
a number issued by the U.S. federal government to citizens, permanent residents, and temporary working residents of the United States for the purposes of tracking working individuals. |
social service |
work that promotes social welfare; social work. [2 definitions] |
social studies |
a course of study including history, geography, civics, and other social sciences in elementary and secondary schools. |
social welfare |
government services provided for citizens, esp. the underprivileged or disadvantaged. [3 definitions] |
social work |
work that promotes the well-being of society, as by assisting the underprivileged or disadvantaged. |
societal |
of or pertaining to society. |
society |
a community or group of people who live in the same country or area and are linked with each other by such things as laws and customs. [7 definitions] |
Society of Friends |
a Christian sect founded in England about 1650, which has no formal rituals or priesthood, and which opposes violence, esp. war, and the taking of oaths. (See Quaker.) |
Society of Jesus |
see "Jesuit." |
socio- |
society; social. |
sociobiology |
the scientific study of human and animal social behavior based on the theory that such behavior is genetic to some degree. |
socioeconomic |
of, relating to, or characterizing the social and economic aspects of something. |