soigné |
having elegance; fashionable. [2 definitions] |
soil1 |
the uppermost layer of the earth's surface. [4 definitions] |
soil2 |
to make unclean; dirty. [6 definitions] |
soil conservation |
a method, such as crop rotation or contour farming, to protect fertile topsoil from erosion or other damage. |
soil pipe |
a drainpipe that carries off waste matter, esp. from a toilet. |
soiree |
a party or social gathering held in the evening. |
sojourn |
to live for a short time in a place; stay temporarily. [2 definitions] |
Sojourner Truth |
American evangelist, abolitionist, orator, and women's rights activist. An African American woman, Sojourner Truth had been enslaved before going on to become an evangelist as well as a moving and persuasive speaker on the subject of racial and gender equality; born Isabella Baumfree (b. 1797?--d. 1883). |
Sol |
in Roman mythology, the god of the sun; Helios. [2 definitions] |
sol1 |
in music, the syllable that denotes the fifth tone of a diatonic scale. (See sol-fa.) [2 definitions] |
sol2 |
a coin and monetary unit of France prior to the French Revolution, worth one-twentieth of a livre or twelve deniers. |
sol3 |
the smaller monetary unit of Peru. (Cf. inti.) |
sol4 |
a colloid that has the properties of a liquid. (Cf. gel.) |
solace |
comfort or consolation in times of sorrow or suffering. [3 definitions] |
solanum |
any of the vines, trees, and other plants of the nightshade family. |
solar |
of, relating to, or derived from the sun. [4 definitions] |
solar battery |
a system of photovoltaic cells that converts solar energy into electricity. |
solar cell |
see "photovoltaic cell." |
solar constant |
the average rate, per specified unit of area, at which the earth receives radiant energy. |
solar cooker |
a simple device that uses reflected rays from the sun to boil water, cook food, and the like. |
solar cycle |
an eleven-year cycle of recurring sunspots and other solar phenomena. |