solar cycle |
an eleven-year cycle of recurring sunspots and other solar phenomena. |
solar day |
the period between one midnight and the following midnight. [2 definitions] |
solar eclipse |
an eclipse of the sun, when, at a particular observation point, light from the sun is blocked by the interposition of the moon. |
solar energy |
radiant energy from the sun or any form of energy that is produced using radiant energy from the sun. |
solar flare |
a short intense outburst of solar gases, often near sunspots, accompanied by cosmic rays, x-rays, and magnetic storms. |
solar furnace |
a furnace for heating, smelting, and the like, that uses a parabolic reflector to focus solar rays. |
solar installer |
a person whose job is to install solar panels. |
solarium |
a room or porch that is enclosed in glass to admit sunlight for relaxation or convalescence. |
solarize |
to affect by exposing to sunlight. [3 definitions] |
solar panel |
a set of connected photovoltaic cells, used esp. on a rooftop to convert sunlight into energy that can be used within a building. |
solar plexus |
a network of nerves located between the stomach and aorta, supplying nerves to the abdominal organs. [2 definitions] |
solar pond |
a pond with a top layer of fresh water and a bottom layer of dense hot salty water, used to trap solar energy for use in heating or to generate electricity. |
solar power |
electricity or heat that is generated from sunlight. |
solar-powered |
powered by electricity generated from sunlight. |
solar still |
a system or apparatus for purifying salt water by distilling it through the use of solar energy. |
solar system |
the Sun, its eight planets and their satellites, and all other bodies that orbit the Sun (prec. by "the"). [2 definitions] |
solar wind |
the continuous stream of ionized particles emitted from the sun. |
solar year |
see "astronomical year." |
solatium |
compensation for damage or suffering, esp. legal compensation for emotional or mental suffering. |
sold |
past tense and past participle of sell. |
solder |
any of various alloys, usu. of lead and tin, that may be applied in a molten state to the juncture of metal edges to make a connection. [5 definitions] |