soliloquy |
an act of talking or a speech by one who is, or is considered to be, alone. |
solipsism |
in philosophy, the theory that the self is the only verifiable reality. [2 definitions] |
solitaire |
any of various card games for one person. [2 definitions] |
solitary |
being, traveling, or living without others; alone; unaccompanied. [6 definitions] |
solitary confinement |
the confinement of a prisoner in complete isolation from others, usu. used as a form of punishment. |
soliton |
in physics, a solitary wave, or a solution to a type of equation that represents such a wave. |
solitude |
the condition of living or being by oneself; isolation. [3 definitions] |
solmization |
the act, process, or system of using syllables to represent the different notes of the musical scale, often as a teaching aid. |
solo |
a performance by one featured performer. [6 definitions] |
soloist |
a person who performs a solo. |
Solo man |
a type of early human known from fossil skull remains found in Java, esp. near the Solo River. |
Solomon |
according to the Old Testament, the third king of Israel, who reigned in the tenth century B.C., was renowned for his wisdom, and built the first temple in Jerusalem. |
Solomon Islands |
an island country in the southwestern Pacific, east of New Guinea. [2 definitions] |
Solomon's seal |
a mystic symbol consisting of two equilateral triangles interlaced so as to form a hexagram. [2 definitions] |
Solon |
an Athenian statesman and lawgiver (638?-559? B.C.). |
solon |
a wise person who makes laws; honorable legislator. |
so long |
(informal) good-bye; farewell. |
solstice |
either of the two times in the year when the sun is furthest from the celestial equator, occurring in June and December. |
solubility |
the quality or extent of being soluble; ability to be dissolved. [2 definitions] |
soluble |
able to be dissolved. [2 definitions] |
solute |
the substance that has been dissolved to form a solution. [2 definitions] |