spacing |
arrangement of objects and spaces within a given area. |
spacious |
having ample space. [3 definitions] |
Spackle |
trademark for a powder that forms a paste when mixed with water, used to smooth out wall cracks, holes, and the like before papering, painting, or other finishing work. [2 definitions] |
spade1 |
a shovel-like digging tool with a long handle and a sturdy flat blade that can be pushed into the ground with a foot. [3 definitions] |
spade2 |
a black figure shaped like a pointed leaf with a short stem, used on playing cards. [4 definitions] |
spadework |
preparatory work for a project or activity. [2 definitions] |
spadix |
a thick, fleshy spike that carries very tiny flowers, usu. surrounded by a sheathlike spathe, as in the calla. |
spaghetti |
a form of pasta made in long thin strings, usu. served with a meat, tomato, or other sauce. [2 definitions] |
spaghetti squash |
a large roundish squash, the flesh of which is a mass of long thin strands. |
spaghetti strap |
a thin round shoulder strap on a woman's garment such as a party dress. |
Spain |
a southern European country on the Iberian Peninsula between Portugal and the Mediterranean Sea. |
spallation |
a nuclear reaction in which bombardment of atomic nuclei with a high-energy projectiles results in the ejection of subatomic particles. [2 definitions] |
Spam |
trademark for an inexpensive meat prepared from pork pieces and seasonings, usu. canned. |
span1 |
the extent, stretch, or reach between two points or limits. [9 definitions] |
span2 |
a pair of mules, horses, oxen, or the like, hitched and driven together. |
spandex |
an elastic synthetic fiber used in girdles, swimsuits, exercise clothing, and the like. |
spandrel |
in architecture, the roughly triangular space formed by the exterior curves of an arch or arches and the enclosing frame or overhead cornice. |
spang |
(informal) quickly, squarely, or precisely. |
spangle |
a small thin piece of shiny metal, plastic, or the like, used for decoration, esp. on clothing. [4 definitions] |
Spaniard |
a native or citizen of Spain, or a descendant thereof. |
spaniel |
a small to medium-sized dog with short legs, long drooping ears, and long silky hair. [2 definitions] |