spirant |
in phonetics, a consonantal speech sound produced by the breath pushed through the constricted opening of the mouth and lips, as the "sh" or "v" sound in English; fricative. [2 definitions] |
spire1 |
a tall, narrow, cone-shaped roof or upward projection on a building or outer wall; steeple; pinnacle. [3 definitions] |
spire2 |
a spiral or helix. [2 definitions] |
spirea |
any of several shrubs related to the roses and bearing small clusters of small pink or white flowers. |
spirillum |
any of several spiral-shaped, aerobic bacteria having flagella, or any of various other related organisms. |
spirit |
the vital force that is thought to be an element of human beings; soul. [11 definitions] |
spirit away |
to remove secretly or mysteriously. |
spirited |
full of vigor, courage, or enthusiasm. |
spirit gum |
a special type of glue used in the theater to fasten false hair or whiskers to an actor's face. |
spiritism |
spiritualism. |
spiritless |
having no spirit. [2 definitions] |
spirit level |
a device for determining a true horizontal or vertical plane, as in carpentry; level. |
spiritous |
of, resembling, or containing alcohol; spirituous. |
spirits |
a person's general feeling of emotion at a certain time. |
spirits of ammonia |
a solution of ammonia in alcohol and water, often with other aromatic agents. |
spiritual |
of or pertaining to that which is not of physical matter or substance; supernatural; incorporeal. [7 definitions] |
spiritualism |
the belief or theory that the dead can and do communicate with those still living, as through mediums. [3 definitions] |
spiritualist |
a believer in spiritualism. [2 definitions] |
spirituality |
the condition, quality, or fact of being spiritual. [2 definitions] |
spiritualize |
to cause to be spiritual; purify. [2 definitions] |
spirituel |
having or exhibiting a refined nature and, esp., a quick graceful wit or mind. |