spirituel |
having or exhibiting a refined nature and, esp., a quick graceful wit or mind. |
spirituous |
containing or having the nature of alcoholic spirits, esp. distilled liquors. |
spiro- |
coil; spiral. |
spirochete |
any of several bacteria with a thin, spiral shape, many of which cause diseases in humans and animals. |
spirt |
variant of spurt. |
spiry1 |
having the shape of a spire or steeple; long and tapering. [2 definitions] |
spiry2 |
spiral; coiled; helical. |
spit1 |
to eject saliva or phlegm forcibly from the mouth; expectorate. [7 definitions] |
spit2 |
a thin, pointed rod on which meat is impaled and rotated while broiling or roasting. [3 definitions] |
spit and polish |
an extreme neatness, orderliness, or preciseness, esp. in the military. |
spitball |
a scrap of paper chewed and shaped into a lump to be used as a missile, as by a child. [2 definitions] |
spit curl |
a curled lock of hair dampened and flattened against the forehead or temple. |
spite |
the malicious wish to hurt, bother, or humiliate someone. [3 definitions] |
spiteful |
prompted by or full of spite. |
spitfire |
a person, esp. a girl or woman, with a quick or fiery temper. [2 definitions] |
spitter |
one that spits saliva. [2 definitions] |
spitting image |
(informal) an exact likeness; spit and image. |
spittle |
saliva. [2 definitions] |
spittlebug |
any of various insects that secrete and cover themselves with spittle in their larval stages. |
spittoon |
a bowl, usu. large and made of metal, for spitting into; cuspidor. |
spitz |
any of several dogs, such as the chow chow or Pomeranian, with a thick coat, erect pointed ears, and a tail that curls over the back. |