stand |
to assume or maintain an erect position of the body while having one's weight on one's feet (often fol. by "up"). [25 definitions] |
stand a chance |
to have a possibility of (winning, succeeding, obtaining, or the like). |
standard |
something that is considered to be a model for measurement or comparison or serve as an accepted authority. [8 definitions] |
standard-bearer |
someone who serves as the chief representative of an organization such as a political party. [2 definitions] |
standardbred |
(often cap.) one of an American breed of horses developed from the Thoroughbred for use in harness racing. |
standard deviation |
a statistical measure of how widely the individual items in a distribution differ from the mean. |
standard gauge |
a standard width of 56.5 inches or 43.5 centimeters between the rails of a railroad track. (Cf. broad gauge, narrow gauge.) [2 definitions] |
standardize |
to cause to conform to a standard. [2 definitions] |
standardless |
combined form of standard. |
standard of living |
the level of necessities and comforts of daily life that is available to and affordable by a nation, group, or individual. |
standard time |
the time officially designated in any of the world's twenty-four time zones, which is based for the most part on that zone's distance from the Greenwich meridian. |
stand around |
to stand in a spot without doing anything. |
standby |
a person or thing that is always ready or available. [3 definitions] |
standee |
one who stands, esp. because there are no empty seats, as in an auditorium or on a bus. |
stand for |
to symbolize or represent. [2 definitions] |
stand-in |
a person who substitutes for another, esp. in film production or the theater. [2 definitions] |
standing |
the act or posture of a person or thing that stands. [7 definitions] |
standing army |
a nation's permanent army, maintained in peacetime as well as during war. |
standing order |
an order that is in effect until it is changed or nullified. [2 definitions] |
standing room |
space in which to stand when all the seats are filled, as in a theater, stadium, or bus. |
standoff |
the inability of either side to win in a game or other competition. [2 definitions] |