stay2 |
an object used to support or steady something; brace. [3 definitions] |
stay3 |
a heavy rope or wire used to make a ship's masts steady. [2 definitions] |
staying power |
the ability to endure or last; endurance. |
staysail |
a triangular sail that is set on a stay. |
stay up |
to remain awake. |
std. |
abbreviation of "standard." |
Ste. |
abbreviation of "Sainte," (French) Saint. |
stead |
the customary or designated place of a person or thing as occupied by a stand-in or substitute. |
steadfast |
reliable; loyal. [2 definitions] |
steadily |
in a regular, even, constant way. |
steady |
firmly fixed in position; stable. [11 definitions] |
steady state theory |
the cosmologic theory, no longer in favor, that new matter is continuously created, causing the universe to expand without requiring cycles of explosion and contraction. (Cf. big bang theory.) |
steak |
a large, flat cut of meat or fish, esp. beef, that is usu. cooked by frying, broiling, or grilling. [2 definitions] |
steakhouse |
a restaurant that regularly specializes in beefsteak dinners. |
steak tartare |
raw ground beef mixed with onion, seasonings, and raw egg and eaten uncooked, sometimes as an appetizer; tartar steak. |
steal |
to obtain possession of (the property of another) without permission or right, esp. in a forceful or furtive way. [9 definitions] |
stealable |
combined form of steal. |
steal one's thunder |
to gain the attention, praise, or applause that someone else expected to receive. |
stealth |
secretive, surreptitious, or covert movement or procedure; sneakiness; furtiveness. |
steal the show |
to unexpectedly get more attention than others, esp. by a brilliant performance in a play. |
stealthily |
in a secretive or covert way in order not to be discovered; in secret. |