stealthily |
in a secretive or covert way in order not to be discovered; in secret. |
stealthy |
done or acting in a secretive or covert way; sneaky; furtive. |
steam |
water vapor, esp. that formed by boiling. [11 definitions] |
steamboat |
a boat that operates on steam power. |
steam engine |
an engine in which pressurized steam supplies mechanical energy, usu. by moving a piston in a closed cylinder. |
steamer |
a ship or large boat that operates on steam power; steamship. [3 definitions] |
steam fitter |
a mechanic who installs and repairs boilers, pipes, and the like in steam-pressure systems. |
steam heat |
heat obtained by the circulation of steam in a closed system of pipes and radiators. |
steam iron |
an electric iron that holds and heats water which is emitted in jets of steam onto the cloth being pressed. |
steamroller |
a vehicle with a massive roller, used esp. in road construction for smoothing, crushing, and the like. [5 definitions] |
steamship |
a large steam-powered ship; steamer. |
steam shovel |
a large steam-powered machine for digging and excavating. |
steam table |
a table or counter for keeping food hot, that is fitted with a variety of containers for food and heated from underneath by hot water or steam. |
steamy |
of or like steam. [3 definitions] |
steapsin |
an enzyme in the pancreatic juice that facilitates the hydrolysis of fats into fatty acids and glycerol. |
stearic acid |
a colorless, odorless, waxlike fatty acid, occurring in many animal and vegetable fats, that is used in making candles, soaps, and cosmetics. |
stearin |
a colorless, odorless, tasteless ester found in most animal and vegetable fats that is used in the manufacture of soaps, adhesives, textile sizes, and the like. |
steatite |
a kind of talc with many commercial uses; soapstone. |
stedfast |
variant of steadfast. |
steed |
in literary usage, a horse used for riding, esp. a well-built and lively one. |
steel |
a hard, strong metal alloy composed of iron and carbon, and used for making machines, tools, knives, and the like. [7 definitions] |