strident |
harsh-sounding or loud; raucous; grating. [2 definitions] |
stridulate |
to produce a shrill grating, creaking, or chirping sound by rubbing certain parts of the body together, as some insects do. |
stridulous |
producing or characterized by a harsh grating, creaking, or chirping sound. |
strife |
conflict or enmity, usu. intense and often violent. [2 definitions] |
strifeless |
combined form of strife. |
strike |
to hit (someone or something) with the hand or something used as a weapon. [31 definitions] |
strikebreaker |
one who hires others, or one who is hired, to work in place of striking employees during a strike; scab. |
strikeout |
in baseball, an out made by a batter who incurs three strikes, or an out credited to a pitcher who causes a batter to strike out. |
striker |
someone or something that strikes. [3 definitions] |
strikethrough |
a computer font style in which typed characters appear with a line through them as though crossed out, used to indicate suggested deletions in editing a text. |
strike up |
to begin or cause to begin (the playing of a piece of music, or an acquaintanceship or conversation, or the like). |
strike while the iron is hot |
to take advantage of an opportunity without delay. |
strike zone |
in baseball, the area above home plate, specifically between the batter's shoulders and knees, through which the pitch must pass to be ruled a strike. |
striking |
causing a strong impression; very noticeable or remarkable. [2 definitions] |
string |
a cord or slender rope used for binding or lacing. [12 definitions] |
string band |
a musical group consisting of violin, guitar, string bass, and the like, usu. performing folk or country music. |
string bean |
any of the long green pods, eaten when unripe, that are produced by various bean plants; snap bean. |
stringboard |
a board or boards placed along the side of a staircase to support or cover the ends of the steps. |
stringcourse |
a narrow horizontal course of stone or brick, often articulated or carved, that is set into the outside of a building as a design element. |
stringed |
equipped or furnished with strings. |
stringed instrument |
any musical instrument, such as the violin, guitar, or zither, in which the tones are produced by strings played with the fingers or with a plectrum or bow. |