stump |
a base of a tree that is left standing after the tree has been cut down. [10 definitions] |
stumpy |
short and thickset; stubby or stocky. [2 definitions] |
stun |
to daze or render unconscious, as by a blow, fall, or electric shock. [3 definitions] |
stung |
past tense and past participle of sting. |
stun gun |
a portable, battery-operated instrument that gives a strong electrical shock when it is pressed into contact with someone, used esp. by law officers or in self-defense. |
stunk |
a past tense and past participle of stink. |
stunned |
completely amazed or somewhat shocked. |
stunner |
a person or thing that stuns. [2 definitions] |
stunning |
causing, capable of causing, or likely to cause one to be stunned, shocked, or astounded. [2 definitions] |
stunt1 |
to arrest or slow the growth or development of. [3 definitions] |
stunt2 |
a feat of skill, dexterity, strength, bravery, or the like, often performed in public. [4 definitions] |
stunt man |
in film production, a skilled male performer who substitutes for an actor in hazardous or acrobatic sequences. |
stunt woman |
in film production, a skilled female performer who substitutes for an actress in hazardous or acrobatic sequences. |
stupefaction |
the act of stupefying or the state of being stupefied. [2 definitions] |
stupefy |
to put into a daze or stupor, as with heat or drugs. [2 definitions] |
stupendous |
causing astonishment or wonder; astounding. [2 definitions] |
stupid |
dull or slow in intellect, wit, awareness, or the like. [4 definitions] |
stupidity |
(often derogatory) the condition of being dull or slow in intelligence. [2 definitions] |
stupor |
a state of unconsciousness, insensibility, or torpor. [2 definitions] |
sturdy |
strong, hardy, or robust, as a person, tree, or house. [3 definitions] |
sturgeon |
any of various large fish with hard, smooth scales, found in fresh and salt waters of the Northern Hemisphere, and valued for their edible flesh and roe, which is a source of caviar. |