subsonic |
below an audible level; infrasonic. [2 definitions] |
subspecialist |
combined form of specialist. |
subspecialize |
combined form of specialize. |
subspecialty |
combined form of specialty. |
subspecies |
a subdivision of a plant or animal species that shows differences from others of the same species, as a result of difference in geographical location or time period. |
substance |
that of which something is made; matter. [6 definitions] |
substance abuse |
habitual or harmful use of drugs, alcohol, or other substances that cause heightened mood or loss of inhibition, and which are usually addictive. |
substanceless |
combined form of substance. |
substandard |
below or short of the expected or required standard. [2 definitions] |
substantial |
having physical substance; solid; concrete. [8 definitions] |
substantially |
with great or strong substance; solidly; strongly. [2 definitions] |
substantiate |
to establish or support by providing proof or evidence. [3 definitions] |
substantive |
having an independent existence or character. [4 definitions] |
substate |
combined form of state. |
substation |
a subsidiary station or office, as of the post office or of a power distribution network. |
substitute |
a person or thing that takes the place of another. [5 definitions] |
substrate |
see "substratum." [2 definitions] |
substratum |
that which forms a bed or layer below something else. [2 definitions] |
substructure |
the supporting structure of a building or other construction; foundation. |
subsume |
to classify, consider, or include (an idea, proposition, or the like) in a more comprehensive or general category or principle. [2 definitions] |
subsurface |
a surface lying below the main surface. |