succubus |
a demon in female form, thought to descend on and have sexual intercourse with sleeping men. (Cf. incubus.) [2 definitions] |
succulent |
full of juice or sap; juicy. [3 definitions] |
succumb |
to give in or give way to a fatal illness, superior force, overwhelming desire, or the like; yield. |
such |
of this particular character or kind. [7 definitions] |
such and such |
used to refer to a certain thing or things that are known but cannot be or are not wished to be mentioned specifically. [2 definitions] |
such as |
for example. [2 definitions] |
suchlike |
of the same or a similar kind. [2 definitions] |
suck |
to pull into the mouth by using the tongue and lips to create a partial vacuum. [13 definitions] |
sucker |
someone or something that sucks or that adheres by suction. [8 definitions] |
sucker-punch |
to strike (someone) with a quick, unexpected blow. |
sucker punch |
a quick, unexpected blow or punch. |
suckle |
to put to the breast and allow to suck; breastfeed. [4 definitions] |
suckling |
a young child or animal that has not yet been weaned. |
sucrase |
an enzyme that stimulates the hydrolysis of sucrose into glucose and fructose; invertase. |
Sucre |
the nominal capital of Bolivia. (Cf. La Paz.) |
sucre |
the chief monetary unit of Ecuador, equaling one hundred centavos. |
sucrose |
the type of sugar obtained from sugar beets and sugar cane. |
suction |
the act or process of sucking. [4 definitions] |
suction pump |
a pump that draws up liquid by means of the vacuum created by the motion of a piston. |
suctorial |
developed or adapted for suction or sucking, or having sucking organs. |
Sudan |
a country in northeastern Africa, south of Egypt. [2 definitions] |