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sugarbush a grove or orchard of maple trees, used as a source of maple syrup or maple sugar.
sugar cane a tall perennial grass of tropical and subtropical regions that has a stout, jointed stalk and is the principal source of sugar.
sugarcoat to cover with a layer of sugar. [2 definitions]
sugar-cured of meats, esp. ham, cured with a mixture of sugar, salt, and nitrate or nitrite.
sugar daddy (informal) a wealthy older man who lavishes money and expensive gifts on a usu. attractive young woman in return for companionship and intimacy.
sugar diabetes see "diabetes mellitus."
sugar-free used to describe food products containing less than 0.5 grams per serving of sucrose or other forms of sugar.
sugarhouse a building or shed where maple sap is boiled down to make maple syrup and maple sugar.
sugarless combined form of sugar.
sugar loaf a hard cone-shaped mass of sugar.
sugar maple a maple tree of eastern North America whose hard wood is used for making cabinets and furniture and whose sweet sap is used to make maple syrup and maple sugar.
sugar pine a tall pine tree of the northwestern United States, having sugarlike resin, large cones, and soft, reddish brown wood used for timber.
sugarplum a small, flavored sugar candy, esp. in the shape of a ball.
sugary containing sugar, esp. a large amount of it. [3 definitions]
suggest to put forth for consideration; propose. [4 definitions]
suggestible easily influenced; impressionable.
suggestion the act of suggesting, or the state or fact of something being suggested. [6 definitions]
suggestive rich in implications; encouraging further thought. [4 definitions]
suicidal concerning, involving, or resembling suicide. [3 definitions]
suicide the act of killing oneself on purpose. [4 definitions]
sui generis (Latin) of a kind of one's own; without equal; unique.