summer solstice |
in the Northern Hemisphere, the day on which the period from sunrise to sunset is longest, usu. June 21. |
summer squash |
any of various kinds of squash, esp. a yellow variety, that must be eaten soon after harvest. |
summer theater |
a theater that presents plays during the summer. |
summertime |
the season of summer. |
summer triangle |
a group of three very bright stars, Deneb, Vega, and Altair, that form a conspicuous triangle in the summer sky. |
summery |
of, pertaining to, or suitable for summer. |
summing-up |
the process or result of summarizing. |
summit |
the part with the highest elevation, esp. of a mountain; peak. [5 definitions] |
summitry |
the belief in, use of, or reliance on summit conferences to solve international problems. [2 definitions] |
summon |
to call or notify to appear for a particular purpose. [3 definitions] |
summonable |
combined form of summon. |
summons |
a request or demand to do something. [2 definitions] |
summum bonum |
(Latin) the highest, greatest, or ultimate good. |
sumo |
(sometimes cap.) a kind of Japanese wrestling in which two very large men try to win by forcing each other out of a ring or by causing each other to touch any part of the body other than the bottoms of the feet to the ground. |
sump |
a well or pit into which fluids drain for collection and usu. removal, as by means of a pump. [2 definitions] |
sump pump |
a pump that expels liquid, esp. from a sump. |
sumpter |
a pack animal such as a horse or mule. |
sumptuary |
designed to control extravagant spending. [2 definitions] |
sumptuous |
large, lavish, or splendid, esp. when created at great cost. |
sum total |
the total amount. |
sum up |
to restate concisely; summarize. [2 definitions] |