supercenter |
combined form of center. |
supercharge |
to fill beyond normal capacity with feeling, energy, or the like. [2 definitions] |
supercharged |
of an engine, having a supercharger. [3 definitions] |
supercharger |
a device that increases the power of an internal combustion engine by forcing air under high pressure into its cylinders. |
superchic |
combined form of chic. |
superchurch |
combined form of church. |
superciliary |
of, pertaining to, or near to, esp. above, the eyebrow. |
supercilious |
showing an arrogant disregard, as a look, manner, or person. |
supercivilization |
combined form of civilization. |
supercivilized |
combined form of civilized. |
superclass |
a taxonomic category intermediate between a phylum, or a botanical division, and a class; subphylum. |
superclean |
combined form of clean. |
superclub |
combined form of club. |
supercolossal |
combined form of colossal. |
supercomfortable |
combined form of comfortable. |
supercompetitive |
combined form of competitive. |
superconductivity |
the condition or quality of conducting electrical current without resistance, exhibited by certain substances at very low temperatures. |
superconfident |
combined form of confident. |
superconglomerate |
combined form of conglomerate. |
superconservative |
combined form of conservative. |
supercontinent |
a massive land formation thought to have existed in the geological past, that, according to the theory of plate tectonics, broke into parts which drifted, creating the present continents. |