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superette a small self-service grocery or convenience store.
superexpensive combined form of expensive.
superfamily a taxonomic category less extensive than a suborder but more extensive than a family.
superfarm combined form of farm.
superfecta a bet in horse racing in which a winner must pick the first four finishers, in order.
superficial of, pertaining to, or located on the surface. [5 definitions]
superficies an outer area or surface. [2 definitions]
superfine ground into unusually small particles. [2 definitions]
superfluidity the condition of liquid helium below 2.18 degrees Kelvin, characterized by frictionless flow and very high thermal conductivity.
superfluity the state or quality of being unnecessary or excessive. [3 definitions]
superfluous being beyond a sufficient amount; excessive. [2 definitions]
Superfund (sometimes l.c.) a U.S. government fund reserved for the cleanup or eradication of dangerous toxic waste dumps.
supergiant a star at least one hundred times the diameter of the sun and very much brighter, such as Betelgeuse.
supergovernment combined form of government.
supergrowth combined form of growth.
superheat to heat (a liquid) to a temperature above its boiling point without causing vaporization. [3 definitions]
superheavy combined form of heavy.
superhero a fictional character found in cartoons, comic strips, or movies that possesses special powers beyond those of human beings and uses these powers for good.
superheroine combined form of heroine.
superheterodyne of, pertaining to, or using a method of radio reception in which the incoming signal is transformed into an intermediate frequency which helps with amplification of the signal and eliminates unwanted signals. [2 definitions]
superhigh frequency any radio frequency between 3,000 and 30,000 megahertz.