swelling |
the act or condition of something that is swelling or swollen. [2 definitions] |
swelter |
to be afflicted by oppressive heat. [2 definitions] |
sweltering |
of weather, overly hot or humid; sultry. [2 definitions] |
swept |
past tense and past participle of sweep. |
sweptback |
of an airplane wing, having a sharply backward slant. |
sweptwing |
of an airplane, having sweptback wings. |
swerve |
to change direction suddenly; turn abruptly; veer. [3 definitions] |
swift |
moving or able to move very rapidly; speedy. [7 definitions] |
swig |
(informal) an amount of fluid, esp. liquor, drunk in a single rapid swallow. [2 definitions] |
swill |
liquid food or food mixed with much liquid, esp. refuse fed to domestic animals; slop. [8 definitions] |
swim |
to move through water by means of bodily motions. [10 definitions] |
swim bladder |
an inflated sac that extends lengthwise against the upper side of the body cavity of most bony fishes, its purpose being to regulate hydrostatic pressure. |
swimmer |
one who swims, esp. one who does so competitively. |
swimmeret |
any of the small abdominal appendages found on various crustaceans such as lobsters, used mainly to carry eggs or aid in swimming. |
swimming |
the activity or sport of propelling one's body through water by means of bodily motions. |
swimming hole |
a pond or a deep spot in a river or stream that is used for swimming. |
swimmingly |
with great ease or success; splendidly. |
swimming pool |
a large man-made tank or pool, usu. concrete and using water-filtering equipment, filled with water and used for swimming. |
swimsuit |
see "bathing suit." |
swimwear |
clothing worn for swimming, sunbathing, and the like. |
swindle |
to cheat, esp. by deceit; dupe. [4 definitions] |