symphysis |
the fusing or growing together of bones such that an abnormal union is formed. [2 definitions] |
symposiast |
one who takes part in a symposium. |
symposium |
a conference or meeting on a single topic, usu. involving several speakers. [3 definitions] |
symptom |
an indication or sign of something. [2 definitions] |
symptomatic |
showing the symptoms of a disease. [2 definitions] |
symptomatology |
the field of medical science having to do with symptoms of disease. [2 definitions] |
symptomless |
combined form of symptom. |
syn. |
abbreviation of "synonym," a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another word of the same language. [2 definitions] |
syn- |
together; same. |
synaesthesia |
variant of synesthesia. |
synagogue |
a place used for worship and religious instruction by a Jewish congregation. [2 definitions] |
synapse |
the point where nerve impulses are transmitted between the axon of one neuron and a dendrite or the cell body of another neuron. |
synapsis |
in the early stage of meiosis, the side-by-side pairing of comparable male and female chromosomes. [2 definitions] |
sync |
(informal) shortened form of "synchronization." [2 definitions] |
synchrocyclotron |
a cyclotron in which frequency of voltage is regulated to accommodate the increases in mass of the particles as they reach high speeds. |
synchromesh |
designating a gear-shifting mechanism that synchronizes the speeds of the two gears to be meshed, so that the transition is smooth. |
synchronic |
of or pertaining to language features, social values, or the like at a given time without reference to past causes or examples. (Cf. diachronic.) [2 definitions] |
synchronicity |
the fact or state of happening at the same time, esp. considered as a manifestation of intent or meaningfulness rather than chance or randomness. |
synchronic linguistics |
the study of the structure of a language or languages at a specific point in time. |
synchronism |
the condition of happening or existing at the same time; simultaneousness. [2 definitions] |
synchronize |
to cause to occur, move, or operate at the same time or rate. [3 definitions] |