table salt |
edible, refined salt derived from underground deposits, typically used as a flavor enhancer for food. |
table saw |
a circular saw positioned beneath a table so that its blade projects above the surface, allowing it to cut objects placed on top of the table. |
tablespoon |
in the US, a unit of capacity equal to one half fluid ounce, three teaspoons, or about fifteen milliliters, used in cooking. (abbr.: tbs.) [4 definitions] |
tablespoonful |
the amount a tablespoon holds; tablespoon. |
tablet |
a small, molded, regular mass or lump, usu. of medicine. [4 definitions] |
table talk |
casual or informal mealtime conversation. |
table tennis |
a game similar to outdoor tennis but played atop a large rectangular table and using wooden paddles and a small hollow plastic or celluloid ball. |
tableware |
the silverware, glasses, plates, and the like, used for the dining table. |
table wine |
a wine, usu. served with meals, containing not more than fourteen percent alcohol. |
tabloid |
a newspaper with pages approximately half the standard size, often containing sensational material or gossip. [2 definitions] |
taboo |
untouchable, unmentionable, or otherwise forbidden by social mandate. [3 definitions] |
tabor |
a small drum, formerly hung from the neck of a pipe or fife player and used to provide rhythmic accompaniment. |
taboret |
a small tabor. [2 definitions] |
tabu |
variant of taboo. |
tabular |
of, arranged as, or calculated from a table or other systematic arrangement. [2 definitions] |
tabula rasa |
anything, esp. the mind, that is considered to be blank and without impressions, until it is formed through experience. |
tabulate |
to arrange or organize systematically, esp. in the form of a table. [4 definitions] |
tabulator |
a person or machine that tabulates. [2 definitions] |
tacamahac |
any of various strong-smelling, resinlike substances used to add aroma to ointments and incenses. [2 definitions] |
tachina fly |
any of numerous gray and black dipterous flies whose larvae are parasitic on other insects such as caterpillars and beetles. |
tachometer |
an instrument for measuring speed, esp. the revolutions per minute of a rotating shaft. |