tactless |
having or displaying no tact. |
tactual |
of, relating to, or caused by the sense of touch. |
tad |
a small boy. [2 definitions] |
tadpole |
the larva of a frog or toad at the stage when it lives in water and has gills and a tail. |
taedium vitae |
tedium of life (Latin); a feeling that life is wearisome and dull. |
tae kwon do |
a form of Korean karate. |
tael |
any of various units of weight of eastern Asia, often about 1.333 ounces. |
taffeta |
a crisp shiny fabric made of various materials such as silk, nylon, or rayon. |
taffrail |
the rail around the stern of a vessel. |
taffy |
a chewy candy made of molasses or sugar that is boiled and then pulled until it holds its shape. |
tag1 |
a piece of cardboard, thin metal, cloth, or other material that identifies, labels, or gives information about the thing to which it is attached. [9 definitions] |
tag2 |
a children's game in which one player chases the others until he or she touches one of them, who then becomes the pursuer. [4 definitions] |
Tagalog |
see "Pilipino." [2 definitions] |
tagboard |
a heavy cardboard used for mountings, posters, and the like; oak tag. |
tag sale |
a garage sale in which the items have their prices marked on them with tags. |
tahini |
a smooth, thick sauce made from hulled and puréed sesame seeds. |
Tahiti |
an island in French Polynesia in the southern Pacific Ocean. |
tai chi |
a Chinese system of slow and methodical physical exercises, developed as a method of self-defense, and as an aid to meditation. |
taiga |
the strip of subarctic evergreen forest that covers much of the northern parts of North America, Europe, and Asia. |
taiko |
a Japanese drum, often large and barrel-shaped. [2 definitions] |
tail |
an animal's rearmost part, usu. an appendage and extension of the spinal column, that projects from the rear of the trunk. [13 definitions] |