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taintless combined form of taint.
Taipei the capital of Taiwan.
Taiwan an island off the southeastern coast of China; Formosa. [2 definitions]
Tajik of or pertaining to Tajikistan or its people, culture, language, or the like. [3 definitions]
Tajikistan a Central Asian country on the northern border of Afghanistan; formerly a republic of the Soviet Union.
Taj Mahal a white marble mausoleum celebrated for its design and decoration built c.1640 in Agra, India by the Mogul Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife, Mumtaz Mahal.
taka the chief monetary unit of Bangladesh, equaling one hundred paise.
take to cause to be in one's hands; grasp. [36 definitions]
take a back seat (informal) to hold a secondary position or be considered less than excellent.
take a bath (informal) to undergo a serious financial loss.
take a bow to come forward or stand up to receive applause, recognition, or commendation.
take a dim view of to regard unfavorably or pessimistically.
take advantage to selfishly exploit an opportunity or weakness, or use in a selfish manner for one's own benefit (usu. fol. by "of"). [2 definitions]
take a fling at (informal) to attempt or try one's skill at.
take after to resemble (usu. a parent or grandparent)
take a hike (slang) to depart because one is not wanted.
take a leak (vulgar slang) to urinate.
take a look to look at something, often quickly, momentarily, or casually (often fol. by "at").
take amiss to be offended by, esp. as a result of misunderstanding.
take an oath to make a formal, solemn promise; pledge.
take apart to divide or disassemble into smaller units. [2 definitions]