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take-home pay the salary or wages left after all the various deductions, such as social security and taxes, have been made.
take in to provide a temporary or permanent place in one's home to (someone). [5 definitions]
take in stride to absorb or accommodate with no interruption or disturbance of one's normal mood or activities.
take into account to consider, esp. as an important factor in making a judgment.
take kindly to to look upon favorably.
taken past participle of take.
taken aback startled; surprised.
take note of to observe carefully, esp. so as to remember.
takeoff the act or process, or an instance, of leaving the ground or other surface, as in preparation for flight. [2 definitions]
take off to remove from the body or from a surface. [6 definitions]
take on begin to engage in (new or additional duties, tasks, responsibilities, or the like). [5 definitions]
take one's breath away to astonish or startle.
take one's time to proceed without hurrying in any way.
takeout of or relating to prepared food that is consumed off the premises. [3 definitions]
take out to extract; remove from inside something. [3 definitions]
takeover the act or an instance of taking control or replacing a previous authority, as of a business or government.
take over to take control of (something that had previously been controlled by another or others). [3 definitions]
take pains (to do something) to make a special effort in order to produce a desired result.
take part to participate; involve oneself (usu. fol. by "in").
take part in to involve yourself in; be active in.
take pity to help, or to treat mercifully, because of a feeling of compassion (usu. fol. by "on").