talk turkey |
(informal) to speak straightforwardly and seriously, as about business matters. |
talky |
talkative. [2 definitions] |
tall |
having height in excess of the average. [6 definitions] |
Tallahassee |
the capital of Florida. |
Tallin |
the capital of Estonia. |
tallith |
a fringed shawl with bands of blue or black, worn by Jewish males during prayer. |
tallow |
the hard fatty matter from animals such as cattle or sheep, used in making soap, candles, lubricants, and certain foods. [3 definitions] |
tallowy |
like tallow in color or consistency. |
tall tale |
a story that is unlikely to be true and often involving elements that are clearly exaggerated. |
tally |
a device or form for recording totals. [7 definitions] |
tally chart |
a chart on which tally marks are made to keep count during the process of data collection. |
tallyho |
used in hunting to urge on foxhounds when a fox has been sighted. [3 definitions] |
tally mark |
a mark used to keep count. |
Talmud |
the two-part collection of rabbinic writings on civil and religious law that is authoritative for traditional, esp. Orthodox, Judaism. (See Mishnah, Gemara.) |
Talmudist |
an author or compiler of some portion of the Talmud. [2 definitions] |
talon |
a bird or animal claw, esp. of a bird of prey. [2 definitions] |
talus1 |
the upper tarsal bone that joins the leg bones to form the ankle joint; anklebone. |
talus2 |
a slope. [2 definitions] |
tam |
a tam-o'-shanter. |
tamable |
combined form of tame. |
tamale |
a peppery Mexican dish of ground meat in a wrapper of cornmeal dough, steamed or baked in corn husks. |