telepathy |
communication between minds without the use of sensory signals. |
telephone |
a device used to transmit sound, esp. speech, over long distances, and, nowadays, typically equipped with computer technology as well. [5 definitions] |
telephony |
the design, construction, or operation of telephone systems. |
Telephoto |
trademark for a photographic system that uses telescopic lenses to produce large images of distant objects. [2 definitions] |
telephotograph |
a picture produced with a photographic lens or lens system that creates a large image of a distant object. |
telephotography |
the art, process, or technique of taking pictures of distant objects with a specialized lens. |
teleplay |
a play written for or produced on television. |
teleportation |
the hypothetical transmission of matter by telekinesis. |
teleprinter |
see "teletypewriter." |
TelePrompTer |
trademark for a device that provides a written script that is visible to a performer or speaker on television, but not to the audience. |
telescope |
an optical instrument, usu. cylindrical, that employs lenses and sometimes mirrors to enlarge the images of distant objects, esp. those in outer space. [7 definitions] |
telescopic |
of or relating to a telescope. [4 definitions] |
telescopy |
the use or study of telescopes. |
telesis |
an intentional use of natural or social processes to attain chosen goals. |
telespectroscope |
an instrument used to determine the spectra of stars. |
telesthesia |
the extrasensory perception of objects or events that occur outside the recognized range of the organs of sense perception. |
telestich |
a poem in which the last letters of each line form a word or phrase. (Cf. acrostic.) |
teletext |
the television broadcast of information, such as news or weather, that appears as printed text on the television screen. |
telethon |
a television program of several hours or more, usu. broadcast to raise funds for a charity or other cause. |
Teletype |
trademark for a teletypewriter. [2 definitions] |
teletypewriter |
a device resembling a typewriter, by which messages can be sent or received through telephone or telegraph lines. |