Tetragrammaton |
the four Hebrew letters, usu. transliterated as "YHWH" or "JHWH," representing the name of God, considered too holy to be spoken aloud. |
tetrahedral |
of or shaped like a tetrahedron. |
tetrahedron |
a solid figure formed by four triangular faces; triangular pyramid. |
tetralogy |
any series of four related plays, novels, operas, or the like. [2 definitions] |
tetrameter |
a line of verse that contains four metrical feet. [3 definitions] |
tetrapod |
any vertebrate having four limbs, or having evolved from a four-limbed ancestor. |
tetrarch |
in ancient Rome, the ruler of the fourth part of a province. [2 definitions] |
tetrarchy |
the rule of, or territory ruled by, a tetrarch. [2 definitions] |
tetravalent |
having a valence of four. [2 definitions] |
tetroxide |
an oxide in which any one molecule contains four atoms of oxygen. |
tetter |
any of several skin diseases, such as eczema or herpes, that cause itching and eruptions of the epidermis. |
Teuton |
a member of an ancient Germanic people that lived in northern Europe. [2 definitions] |
Teutonic |
of or pertaining to the ancient Teutons or their culture, language, or the like. [3 definitions] |
Tevet |
the fourth month of the Jewish lunisolar calendar, occurring from late December through early January in the Gregorian calendar. |
Texas |
a southwestern U.S. state between Mexico and Oklahoma. (abbr.: TX) [2 definitions] |
Texas fever |
an infectious disease of the red blood cells, transmitted by ticks, that is commonly found in cattle. |
Texas leaguer |
in baseball, a fly ball that strikes the ground between the infield and the outfield and is designated a fair hit. |
Texas tower |
a tall platform or structure, built offshore, that is used to support radar or navigation equipment. |
Tex-Mex |
(informal) characterized or influenced by both Mexican and Texan elements, as cooking or architecture. |
text |
the body of a printed work as distinguished from its title, headings, notes, and the like. [8 definitions] |
textbook |
a book used as the basis for instruction in or study of a specific subject. |