think of |
to use the mind to invent (a story, excuse, example, or the like); think up. [3 definitions] |
think over |
to give serious thought to (a matter, decision, or the like). |
think tank |
(informal) an institute or center, often funded by a government or corporation, that is staffed by people who research and analyze complex problems with a view to practical applications. |
think the world of |
to have a very high opinion of. |
think through |
to consider (something) in a thorough, unhurried manner so that one can reach a conclusion about it. |
think up |
to use the mind to invent (a story, excuse, or the like). |
thinner1 |
turpentine or other liquid used for diluting paint to the desired consistency. [2 definitions] |
thinner2 |
comparative of "thin." |
thin-skinned |
having a thin skin. [2 definitions] |
thio- |
sulfur. |
thiopental |
a yellowish white powder that is administered intravenously as an anesthetic or hypnotic; thiopental sodium. |
thiosulfate |
a salt or ester of thiosulfuric acid. |
thiosulfuric acid |
a sulfuric acid, occurring only in solution or in its salts and esters, in which one oxygen atom has been replaced by a sulfur atom. |
third |
indicating rank or position between second and fourth. [4 definitions] |
third base |
in baseball, the base that is located between second base and home plate. [2 definitions] |
third baseman |
in baseball, the player whose position is at third base when the other team is batting and whose primary function is to defend that base. |
third-class |
of or designating the class below second class, as in railroad passenger accommodations, postal delivery, or the like. [3 definitions] |
third class |
the class, status, or rank next below second class. [3 definitions] |
third degree |
intensive, often painful questioning, as of a police prisoner (usu. prec. by "the"). [2 definitions] |
third dimension |
the dimension of depth or volume, as distinguished from the two dimensions provided on a plane surface. [2 definitions] |
Third International |
an international Communist organization founded in Moscow in 1919 to unite all national Communist groups and advocate the spread of Communism. |