to a T |
completely and suitably; to perfection. |
tobacco |
any of a variety of native American plants with large sticky leaves that are smoked, chewed, or used in snuff. [3 definitions] |
tobacconist |
one who sells tobacco products at retail, esp. pipe tobaccos. |
Tobit |
in the Apocrypha, a pious exiled Hebrew who is cured of blindness by an angel of God. [2 definitions] |
to blame |
in error or at fault. |
toboggan |
a long, narrow, runnerless sled that is curved upwards in front, used for riding downhill on snow or ice. [2 definitions] |
to boot |
in addition; as well. |
toby |
(sometimes cap.) a stout drinking mug in the form of a man's head and face, used esp. for ale or beer. |
toccata |
a musical composition for keyboard in an improvisational style full of elaborate running passages, full chords, and other figures designed to display technique. |
tocopherol |
vitamin E. |
tocsin |
a signal given with an alarm bell, or the bell itself. [2 definitions] |
to cut one's eyeteeth on |
to gain one's earliest experience from. |
today |
the present day. [4 definitions] |
toddle |
to walk with short unsteady steps, as a child learning to walk. [2 definitions] |
toddler |
a young child aged around one to three, especially one who has learned to walk but is still unsteady. [2 definitions] |
toddy |
a hot drink made with liquor, a sweetener, and often spices. [2 definitions] |
to-do |
(informal) a commotion or fuss; stir. |
toe |
one of the jointed extensions on the end of the foot in humans and other vertebrates. [7 definitions] |
toea |
the smaller monetary unit of Papua New Guinea. (Cf. kina.) |
toecap |
the part of a shoe or boot that covers the toes. |
toed |
having a toe or toes, usu. of a specified kind or number. [2 definitions] |