topaz |
a precious gemstone occurring in various colors, esp. yellow and brown. [2 definitions] |
top boot |
a tall boot that reaches to just below the knee, esp. one with a top or cuff of a contrasting material or color. |
topcoat |
a lightweight overcoat. |
top dog |
(informal) a person, team, group, nation, or the like that is in a dominant, authoritative, leading, or favored position, esp. among competitors. |
top dollar |
(informal) the most money paid for a particular product, service, or the like. |
top-drawer |
(informal) of or pertaining to the highest rank, level of importance, quality, or the like. |
top dressing |
a layer of material laid on a ground surface, such as manure or other fertilizer over plowed land or crops. |
tope |
to drink alcoholic drinks excessively and habitually. |
topee |
in India, a lightweight hat or helmet that is made of pith. |
Topeka |
the capital of Kansas. |
toper |
one who drinks alcohol habitually and excessively. |
topflight |
outstanding or superior; first-rate. |
topgallant |
of, pertaining to, or designating the mast, and any sail attached to it, that is situated above the topmast on a square-rigged ship. [2 definitions] |
top hat |
a tall, cylindrical, black silk hat with a stiff narrow brim, worn by men on formal occasions. |
top-heavy |
having too much weight at the top to be in proper balance. [2 definitions] |
topi |
variant of topee. |
topiary |
of shrubs and trees, trimmed or trained into fanciful or decorative shapes. [3 definitions] |
topic |
a general subject of conversation or other discourse. [3 definitions] |
topical |
pertinent to topics of current interest. [3 definitions] |
topic sentence |
a sentence, usu. at the beginning, that sets forth the main idea of a paragraph or other unit of expository writing. |
topknot |
a clump of hair knotted or clasped at the top of the head. [3 definitions] |