tourist home |
a private home in which a tourist can rent a bedroom, usu. sharing a bathroom with others. |
tourist trap |
a shop, restaurant, nightclub, or the like that charges high prices to tourists. |
touristy |
of, pertaining to, or appealing only to tourists. |
tourmaline |
a complex silicate mineral containing several elements, most importantly boron and aluminum, used in electronic instruments and, in its colorful and transparent varieties, as a gemstone. |
tournament |
a contest of skill including a series of games in which losing contestants are eliminated. [2 definitions] |
tournedos |
a small round fillet of beef cut from the tenderloin, often cooked with a strip of bacon around it. |
tourney |
a tournament. |
tourniquet |
any device that uses pressure to stop the flow of blood, usu. through the arteries of an arm or leg, as after a serious injury. |
tousle |
to rumple or dishevel (the hair) by rough, often playful, handling. [3 definitions] |
tout |
to publicize flatteringly and boastfully. [7 definitions] |
tout à fait |
(French) entirely; completely; quite. |
tout de suite |
(French) immediately; instantly. |
tout ensemble |
(French) all together or all in all. ; the general impression, as of a piece of art. |
tout le monde |
all the world (French); everybody. |
tovarich |
(Russian) comrade. |
tow1 |
to pull along at the end of a rope, chain, or the like; haul. [4 definitions] |
tow2 |
short, coarse, broken fibers of flax, hemp, or jute prepared for spinning into yarn, twine, or the like. [3 definitions] |
towage |
the act of towing, or the condition of being towed. [2 definitions] |
toward |
moving or facing in the direction of. [6 definitions] |
towboat |
a boat used to pull or push other boats or barges; tugboat. |
towel |
a piece or length of absorbent cloth or paper made and used for wiping or drying the face or body, dishes, or the like. [2 definitions] |