toyshop |
a store in which toys are sold or a workshop in which they are made. |
tr. |
abbreviation of "transitive," in grammar, indicating a verb that takes a direct object. |
tra- |
across; over. |
trabeated |
using horizontal beams or lintels as supports instead of arches. [2 definitions] |
trace1 |
a visible mark or evidence of a past event or of something having been present. [11 definitions] |
trace2 |
one of two ropes, chains, or straps used to harness a draft animal to a cart, carriage, or the like. |
trace element |
a chemical element found in minute quantities in a substance, such as plant or animal tissue or soil. |
tracer |
someone or something that traces. [3 definitions] |
tracery |
an ornamental pattern of branching and interlaced bars or ribs, as in a Gothic window. [2 definitions] |
trachea |
the tube in air-breathing animals that carries air to the lungs; windpipe. [2 definitions] |
tracheo- |
trachea. |
tracheotomy |
the surgical opening of the trachea through the outside of the neck. |
trachoma |
a contagious bacterial eye infection, affecting the conjunctiva and cornea, that is characterized by inflammation, granulation, and eventual scarring. |
tracing |
the act or process of drawing, reproducing, or recording by tracing. [2 definitions] |
track |
a structure consisting of a pair of parallel rails connected by crosspieces, on which trains or trolleys travel. [9 definitions] |
trackage |
the total amount of track owned by a railroad. [3 definitions] |
track and field |
a set of athletic events, such as foot racing, high jumping, and javelin throwing, performed on or near a running track. |
track down |
to find (something or someone) by methodically investigating, as if by following tracks. |
tracking shot |
in film or television photography, a shot made by a moving camera, esp. in following a moving subject. |
tracking station |
a base, station, vessel, or the like having the necessary radar and other equipment to monitor or communicate with craft traveling through the air or in space. |
trackless |
leaving behind no tracks. [3 definitions] |