transponder |
a radio or radar transceiver that is automatically activated to transmit when it receives a predetermined signal. |
transport |
to convey from one place to another; carry. [7 definitions] |
transportable |
combined form of transport. |
transportation |
the act or process of transporting. [6 definitions] |
transpose |
to exchange the position or order of (two things). [4 definitions] |
transposition |
the act of transposing, or the condition of being transposed. [2 definitions] |
transsexual |
(outdated; sometimes considered offensive) relating to or being a person whose gender identity differs from the sex which was assigned to them at birth. [2 definitions] |
transship |
to transfer cargo from one conveyance to another for forwarding or reshipment. |
transsonic |
variant of transonic. |
transubstantiate |
to convert (one substance) into another. [2 definitions] |
transubstantiation |
in the Roman Catholic Church, the doctrine that the bread and wine of the Eucharist are the true body and blood of Jesus Christ. |
transuranic |
having an atomic number higher than that of uranium. |
transversal |
in a crosswise position; transverse. [2 definitions] |
transverse |
set or directed across; crosswise. [2 definitions] |
transverse colon |
the central section of the large intestine that occupies the upper part of the abdominal cavity. |
transvestite |
a person who derives pleasure, esp. sexual pleasure, from dressing in clothing and assuming behavior specifically associated with the opposite sex. |
trap1 |
a device for catching, holding, and often killing wild animals and game, rodents, or the like. [13 definitions] |
trap2 |
to provide with clothing, decoration, or the like (often fol. by "out"). [2 definitions] |
trap3 |
any of various dark, fine-grained igneous rocks, such as basalt, often used in road construction. |
trapdoor |
a hinged or sliding door that is fitted into and usu. flush with a floor, ceiling, or roof. |
trap-door spider |
any of several spiders that construct a silk-lined nest covered by a hinged lid resembling a trap door. |