trifacial |
see "trigeminal." |
trifid |
divided or cleft into three distinct lobes, as the leaves of certain plants. |
trifle |
something that has very little value or importance. [6 definitions] |
trifling |
of little importance, meaning, or value; slight; trivial. [2 definitions] |
trifocal |
of eyeglasses, having three lenses of different focal lengths. [2 definitions] |
trifoliate |
having three leaves, leaflets, lobes, or the like. [2 definitions] |
trifoliolate |
having three leaflets, or having leaves that have three leaflets, as clover. |
trig |
(informal) trigonometry. |
trigeminal |
of or pertaining to the trigeminal nerve. |
trigeminal nerve |
either one of the fifth pair of cranial nerves that conduct impulses from the head and face to the brain. |
trigger |
a small lever that when pressed or pulled causes a firearm to fire, or a similar lever on another device or machine. [4 definitions] |
trigger finger |
the finger used to pull the trigger of a gun, usu. the index finger. |
trigger-happy |
(informal) ready to use force, esp. by firing a gun, at the slightest provocation, regardless of consequences. [2 definitions] |
triglyceride |
an ester derived from glycerol and three fatty acid radicals which is the main component of fats and oils. |
trigonometric function |
a function, such as sine, cosine, or tangent, expressed as the ratio of different sides of a right triangle. |
trigonometry |
the branch of mathematics concerned with the relationships between sides and angles of right triangles, and with calculations based on these relationships. |
trihedral |
having three planes that meet in a point. [2 definitions] |
trihedron |
a figure formed by three planes that meet in a point; trihedral. |
trike |
(informal) a tricycle. |
trilateral |
three-sided. |
trilingual |
using or speaking three languages, esp. with equal skill in all three. [2 definitions] |