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trinket a small piece of jewelry or other decorative object, usu. inexpensive. [2 definitions]
trinomial an algebraic expression consisting of three terms that are connected by plus or minus signs. [4 definitions]
trio in music, a group of three singers or players. [3 definitions]
triode a vacuum tube that contains an anode, cathode, and control grid.
trioxide an oxide that contains three oxygen atoms in each molecule.
trip a journey, voyage, or excursion. [18 definitions]
tripartite consisting of three parts. [2 definitions]
tripe the stomach wall of a cow or other ruminant, used as food.
triphammer a heavy, power-operated hammer that is raised and then allowed to fall by a tripping device.
triphosphate a salt or acid that contains three phosphate groups, such as adenosine triphosphate.
triple three times the amount of. [9 definitions]
Triple Crown in U.S. horse racing, a horse's winning of the Kentucky Derby, the Preakness, and the Belmont Stakes in the same year. [2 definitions]
triple jump a track-and-field event in which the jumper takes a running start and makes three consecutive jumps for horizontal distance.
triple play in baseball, a play by the defensive team that puts three offensive players out.
triple-space to type (copy) on every third line, leaving two blank lines in between.
triplet one of three children born at a single birth. [4 definitions]
tripletail any of several chiefly marine fishes having large, trailing dorsal and anal fins that resemble tails.
triplex triple; threefold. [2 definitions]
triplicate a set or group of three identical copies, or any one of these three (often prec. by "in"). [2 definitions]
triploblastic having three germ layers, the ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm.
tripod a usu. adjustable three-legged stand or support, as for a camera or telescope.