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tropic either of the two imaginary circles around the earth defined by the sun's farthest apparent seasonal movement northward and southward in the sky. The northern circle, called the Tropic of Cancer, lies at latitude 23°27′ north and the southern circle, the Tropic of Capricorn, lies at 23°27′ south. [3 definitions]
tropical of, concerning, characteristic of, or occurring in the tropics. [2 definitions]
tropical cyclone a storm originating usu. over tropical seas, characterized by very low barometric pressure, great size, and hurricane-force winds swirling about a calm eye.
tropical fish any of various small or brightly colored fishes that are native to tropical waters, esp. those kept and bred in aquariums.
tropical maritime a warm, wet air mass originating over tropical oceans.
tropical storm a tropical cyclone with winds from 39 to 73 miles per hour, the stage below a hurricane in strength.
Tropical Zone see "Torrid Zone."
tropic bird a tropical seabird characterized by white plumage, black markings, and a pair of very long tail feathers.
Tropic of Cancer an imaginary line around the earth parallel to the equator and about twenty-three degrees north of it, representing the northernmost latitude at which the sun is ever directly overhead.
Tropic of Capricorn an imaginary line around the earth parallel to the equator and about twenty-three degrees south of it, representing the southernmost latitude at which the sun is ever directly overhead.
-tropism an organism's attraction to, or repulsion from, a stimulus.
tropism in biology, the turning or growth of an organ or organism toward or away from an external stimulus such as light, gravity, or nutrients.
tropology the use of tropes or figurative language in writing. [3 definitions]
troposphere the innermost layer of the atmosphere, up to six to twelve miles above the earth's surface, in which clouds and other weather conditions occur.
troppo see "non troppo."
-tropy the condition of turning or changing in (such) a way or in response to (such) a stimulus; -tropism.
trot of a quadruped, esp. a horse, to travel briskly by moving the left foreleg forward simultaneously with the right hind leg, and the right foreleg simultaneously with the left hind leg. [6 definitions]
trotline a strong fishing line, suspended across or fixed within a stream or river, to which short baited lines are attached at intervals.
trot out (informal) to bring out for an audience's attention or inspection.
trotter an animal that trots, esp. a horse bred and trained for harness racing. [3 definitions]
troubadour any wandering musician; minstrel. [2 definitions]